Nationally recognized for its pioneering study on the psychology of wealth, The Money, Meaning and Choices Institute offers affluent people and their advisors an opportunity to improve skills in managing the personal and emotional issues that accompany having and inheriting money. Our publications are based on insights gained from MMC’s ground-breaking programs and workshops with hundreds of affluent individuals and families.
MMC Institute is offering educational programs and tools for both clients and advisors, including five guides on managing wealth.
The Family Meeting Manager
The Family Meeting Manager is an easy-to-use planning tool that offers practical advice on how to conduct a successful meeting with family members of different generations. provides thoughtful and proven approaches to family financial matters and helps wealthy families come together and manage the often challenging emotional issues surrounding money in order to preserve both the family and the wealth.
Using Wealth Wisely
Using Health Wisely contains questions and answers about Family Wealth in response to the most frequent concerns, common issues and questions we hear from our clients and their professional advisors. We hope that this booklet, and the others in the series, can be a resource for Families of wealth who are interested and concerned about the challenges and opportunities of wealth in their own lives, as well as the challenges of passing it on through the generations.
The Money Preferences Guide
This guide is an assessment tool that helps clients methodically evaluate their emotional connection to money and its meaning. Designed for wealthy individuals or those who anticipate inheriting a significant amount of money, The Money Preferences Guide contains a self-test that reveals a client’s personal beliefs and attitudes about money that shapes both short and long-term financial objectives.
Governing Family Wealth
Governing Family Wealth Across Generations can help individuals and families meet the challenges of separating family and business, and creating shared goals, clear boundaries, agreements, roles, structures and policies that allow the family to effectively work together while maintaining unity.
The Impact of Wealth on Raising Children
The Impact of Wealth on Raising Children focuses on how to raise children with lasting values, and deal with the presence of money in their lives. Readers will find seven strategies that are key to successful financial parenting, to help raise children (all of ages) to be productive, motivated, and responsible.
PO Box 803 Kentfield, California 94914 415.267.6107